Until last Friday, Representative Michele Bachmann of Minnesota was best known for her lascivious encounter with President George W. Bush after the 2007 State of the Union Address. She liked him. She really, really liked him. She parlayed her, um, expressiveness into regular appearances on various cable gabfests, particularly on Fox News. The whole thing was so un-Minnesotan. Frankly, I couldn't believe that the good voters of that state would put up with her. Then again, they made Jesse Ventura Governor, so perhaps Minnesotans use politics to act out the otherwise unactable. At any rate, I hadn't heard that she was in any trouble.
Then came Hardball. It wasn't nearly so funny this time. Turns out that Our Michele not only disagrees with Senator Obama, but also finds him anti-American. So is Michelle Obama. And he associates with her. So, they're all just a great big anti-American hairball, although Bachmann didn't mention Malia and Sasha. Presumably, they, too, will become anti-American. Osmosis, if nothing else, assures us of that. Rep. Bachmann also thinks that someone should investigate Congress to discover other "anti-American" members. Again, my ears must be clogged or something. She's from Minnesota?
Naturally, as my link indicates, this not-so-warm encounter started popping up on ye old internets with more velocity than her grope of W. That energized the campaign of her opponent, a Democrat with the absolutely fantastical name of Elwyn Tinklenberg. Since Bachmann's Anti-American Activity Day, Elwyn the Good Elf has raised $650,000 online. 650,000 dollars. Here's his site if you, too, want to replace Michele with El. Honest, he appears to go by El. I couldn't make this stuff up.
More seriously, there are lots of things about the internets, as someone I know calls it, that annoy me. In particular, they seem to provide a handy forum for the stupid and evil. Nonetheless, what the web gives with one hand, it takes away with the other. If you say stupidly evil things, Representative Bachmann, the web snares you. It shows your nastiness again and again. It amplifies and organizes the voices of those who oppose evil stupidity. This is a good thing. A very good thing.
As of this morning's email from Mom, El's raised over $800,000. Let's hope...
Posted by: CA | October 21, 2008 at 07:52 AM