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October 05, 2008


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I'd say when the parodist has begun quoting the target of the parody directly, as Fey has done, we're getting close.

As a student said in my class the other day: "so, basically, Palin is now writing comedy?"

Yes, yes indeed.


I'd say when the parodist has begun quoting the target of the parody directly, as Fey has done, we're getting close.

As a student said in my class the other day: "so, basically, Palin is now writing comedy?"

Yes, yes indeed.


"Video removed due to copyright claim from NBC Universal." Ah. The private interest wins out again. I'll see if I can find a link elsewhere. See youns over there. Sorry about the Cubbies.


here it is:



Thanks, Rhosa. See you there!

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