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April 14, 2008


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I find this whole flap slightly, to use a jargon-y political science theoretical term, cuckoo bananas. Of course your analysis is spot on, but it's nevertheless discouraging to see how easily the media bite at whatever bait can be made attractive to their one-dimensional, fishy-little world views about elitism or white working-class resentment. Although a bit of an outlier, take Bill Kristol at the New York Times, who concluded thus: "What does this mean for Obama’s presidential prospects? He’s disdainful of small-town America — one might say, of bourgeois America. He’s usually good at disguising this. But in San Francisco the mask slipped. And it’s not so easy to get elected by a citizenry you patronize." I guess I object (most) to the idea that to tell the working class they ought to vote their economic interests amounts to "patronizing" them. It's a cynical kind of populism that I find at once ridiculous and sad. :end rant:

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