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March 18, 2008


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It is this last bit that struck me immediately after hearing and reading the speech: the "that's understandable" gesture you mention. I can't think of another text in which a presidential candidate or president (1) acknowledged that such resentments, too, are part of American life and (2) made these resentments seem so, um, reasonable. Bill Clinton did some of the first, I know, but Obama seems to go far beyond Clinton here. You're the Clinton guy; what compares from his playbook?

Yet we can't just stop after acknowledging these resentments, or at least we can't make that choice, says Obama, in a moment that reads to me a bit more like president-as-benevolent-father than presidential candidate. We owe it to ourselves, and we owe it to Ashley, to become compassionate and then turn that compassion into action. I agree that this speech owes much of its success to carefully crafted balances between the tensions you mention (compulsions of civil religion vs. particulars of history, creed vs. deeds, etc.). And even though I'm no Burkean, I can also see a powerful balancing between those classic pentad parts, esp. agent, agency, and scene.

On a much more pragmatic note, the other thing that seems likely to me is that the Obama campaign has had sections of this speech "in the can" for a while now. I suspect that they had a different plan for when and where to go public with this message, but exigence is what it is, and so we have it on March 18 as opposed to, say, September 18 on some college campus. Don't you just know that some 24-year-old speechwriter has been working on this for months?

And one last thing: Is it just me, or is there some foreshadowing of Edwards as potential running mate here? Does Obama always talk about those shut-down mills?

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